create your Life and Career Intentionally to live and lead powerfully your way now!

Intentionally You Coaching Series

There has to be more to life than this right?

THEN the guilt trip sets in. 
"You have to earn your rest" says the mind as your body screams at you to slow down. BUT who has time for that?

Multitasking and not getting anything done to your satisfaction levels is causing you to doubt your abilities.
You say yes when you really want to say no. 
Standing up for yourself feels impossible because you fear being judged or made to feel not good enough. 

The deadlines are endless at work. The chores are never done at home and you desperately just want to STOP and take some time out for yourself, see your friends, go on a girls weekend....REMEMBER those?

You're trying to do all. the. things!

As an ambitious & driven human, you're here on this Earth to live and lead powerfully...

But right now stress and overwhelm have become your daily experience and you're well on your way to burning out. 

You want more from life but are a bit lost  and not quite sure what your next move is.  

Getting out of bed in the morning still tired from trying to be awesome the day before and dreading going to work for more of the same. 

You have no time to think, just react. Everything presents like an emergency. Your attention is so divided nothing feels like it gets done properly.
Everybody wants a piece of you. Family, friends, work colleagues all get your love, time and attention. There is no time to look after you. 

You are overwhelmed, feel exhausted and depleted most of the time. You have no energy and your zest for life disappeared a while ago.

All of this has led you here:

You feel unfulfilled and every day seems to
blend into the next...

Are confident and impactful in your decision making in your career and the relationships that are important to you. 

Are thriving, inspired and energetic on a daily basis as you are looking after yourself without the guilt trip. 

Have a clear sense of purpose and direction for your life and career. 

Know who you are, are focussed on what truly matters to you right now and both align with the dream life you envision creating for yourself.

You are so ready to recreate your life intentionally so you can
Live and Lead Powerfully!

Imagine You...

It is possible for you to live a life where you feel confident, balanced and create an impact you are proud of.  

Let me show you how!

My personalised 3 month 1:1 coaching series for ambitious, driven leaders who want to go from stuck, stressed and burnt out to living an abundant, balanced and aligned life RIGHT NOW!

You only have one life! It's way too short to remain stuck in a rut.

It's time to unlock your full potential, make your next power move  and  intentionally create your dream life. 


Intentionally You

say no more I'm in!

I am all in with you on your transformation journey. You have unlimited follow up access to me vial email, voice message or sms between sessions. I will also provide you with customised tools and templates to help you achieve your goals. Together we will unleash your limitless potential. 

We are better together

Unlimited follow up support for you

The Intentionally You Coaching Series includes 6 one on one coaching calls with me. They are conducted via live video call or face to face depending on your location.  The calls are structured as follows:
1 x 90 min Kick off Call including the setting of your goals
5 x 60 min Coaching Calls scheduled every 2 weeks for 3 months.

Your transformation begins

6 Powerful One on One Coaching Sessions

The Connection Call provides both you and me an opportunity to connect and get to know each other a little better. Coaching is an investment in yourself and you want to make sure you have the right person supporting you. I also want to make sure that I can be of service to you. 


The Complimentary Connection Call

Take a look at what's included

Joanne M. | Australia

"As I'm highly driven, with Sinja's guidance I have created healthy boundaries and given myself permission to allocate time for me.
The tailored approach has resulted in me being happier in my personal and professional life enabling me to trust myself and my decisions and have the ongoing courage to actively maintain a mindset of harmony and balance."

Client love


1 payment of

Pay in full & save



3 payments of

Low monthly plan


Let's do this!

ready to make a move?


I have 20 years corporate experience and am currently serving Fortune 100 leaders internationally and locally. I have recently been named a top 15 coach in Adelaide for 2022 by Influence Digest.

I'm passionate about supporting ambitious and driven leaders like you, to live and lead powerfully your way and create balance, alignment and abundance in your life.

Executive and Personal coach here to help you unlock your full potential. 


I'm Sinja

I started to question what I really wanted out of life and wondered whether what I was experiencing was all that life had to offer me. I was sure that I was destined for more but couldn't work out what that looked like.  It felt like I was stuck and each day was a repeat of the one before. I had lost joy and happiness, kept comparing myself to others and didn't think I was good enough or belonged. 

I questioned everything about myself

I'm a people pleaser and struggled to draw healthy boundaries. I did travel a lot for work and whilst I enjoyed the change of scenery, the long hours took their toll on me. I couldn't work out why I was unable to focus for longer than 5 minutes, felt constantly worn out and overwhelmed. My body ached from sitting in a chair so long each day. I saw my colleagues more than my family and friends. In the end I knew I had to make changes or my mental health would be at stake.  

I burned out twice

I was a highly driven, motivated and successful organisational portfolio change manager.  My job had variety and I liked what I was doing. From the outside it looked like I had it all BUT I felt very different on the inside. I didn't really recognise myself. Somewhere along the way I had lost my authenticity and felt unaligned with what I was being told to do by my managers. I questioned all of my decisions and lost my confidence because it felt like I wasn't achieving anything anymore. 

I had forgotten who I was

A few years ago...

And now it's my mission to support YOU to take action, rediscover your gifts & build your legacy so you can ultimately live an abundant, balanced and aligned life.

Today, I know that I am meant to use my gifts and talents to help people with change or transitions and to bring about personal transformations. My experiences, education and training allowed me to help myself. I"m grateful that my clients see me as their guiding light or the bridge they walk across from the old to the new and that they entrust me with the keys that I use to help them unlock their full potential.

rediscovered my gifts

As an ex ballerina, I always thought that my dance would be my legacy. I changed my career many times and moved countries a few times too but never had I re-asked myself what this legacy now looked like. What did I want to be remembered for? What did I want to leave behind for my son and younger generations? My legacy will be the contribution I make to a new conscious leadership culture where the balance of accountability AND kindness is seen as possible and not mutually exclusive. I want to help those with power learn that empathy, vulnerability and curiosity are essential workplace skills and that psychological safety is key to achieving results. 

Discovered my legacy | my why

I wanted to feel butterflies in my stomach again. The feeling you have when you are excited about doing something new or something that scares you. I hadn't realised that I had lost this feeling until one day when I felt it signing up to a Dare to Lead by Brené Brown course. From then on I was motivated to find what would bring my joy and happiness back. I started to prioritise myself above others and my work.  My life became my priority. 

I took massive action

What changed...

Here's how I'll support you do that...

Jo B. | new Zealand

"I gained perspective which is a big thing. I'm finally seeing the importance of balance and self-love and making steps to prioritise that. For me the sessions were honestly priceless! I experienced more than I expected to and the lessons were life changing. I would encourage anyone to invest in themselves and experience the gift of life coaching with Sinja. "

Client love

Live and Lead Powerfully to Leave a Legacy

We all want to leave our mark on this world in some way.  Together we call in your vision and purpose and combine all the work you do so you can live and lead powerfully your way wherever you go. 


Our upbringing and conditioning makes us give our power away unconsciously on a daily basis. Using our internal power versus ego power is far more effective when we need to influence those around us. 



We work on your mindset as it harbours all of our old thinking patterns, limiting beliefs, inner critic and self-doubt. Getting clear, certain and focussed gives you your true North.

Using My Signature Framework
Own your Power Method

By Sinja

Leave a Legacy 

Ignite your Personal Power

Unlock your Potential 

You are more impactful at work and in life because you know your why. You  focus on what matters most and know your worth. Your presence can be felt.



Life feels abundant, good and easeful. You have enough time to look after yourself without feeling guilty. You are doing both what you need to and want to do. 



You are confident in your decision making and you ask for what you want and need. You are no longer keeping yourself small to keep the peace. You feel aligned with your values. 



At the end of our time together you'll feel...

You are more comfortable remaining where you are and don't want to change anything in your life.

You are expecting things to change for you and are not prepared to show up or take action for yourself. 

You feel uncomfortable about exploring who you really are and what is truly holding you back. 

This is not for you if... 

Looking to build a strong, values-based professional identity, aligned with your strengths and aspirations in your career and in your life.

Willing to be courageous to make your bigger decisions and daily choices based on your values and priorities to intentionally create balance, abundance and alignment in your life as a whole. 

Willing to be vulnerable and practice both tough and tender self-compassion so you can set boundaries, turn down that inner critic and look after yourself without feeling guilty. 

This is for you if you are... 

"Sinja deeply impacted my life at a time when I was overwhelmed and blocked with worries, self-doubt and discrediting myself. She supported and empowered me to look at the situation from a new perspective and not to abandon myself. If you want to make powerful affirming life changes, please work with Sinja to get you there."

Client love

Gillian W. | Canada

Deep down you probably know the answer to this question already. It is important to state that I cannot guarantee your results. The case studies you see here are from clients who have truly leaned into doing the work and showing up for themselves to achieve their goals.
If you want to succeed this will be required of you too.  What you put into the experience is what you get out of it. 

Are my results guaranteed?

Obtaining coaching is a big step and an investment in yourself and your future. If you are unsure, I invite you to book a discovery call with me. You will get a feel for what coaching can be like and you can ask me any questions you may have about coaching. It is an obligation free chat where you have the opportunity to get to know me and see if we are a match for coaching together. There is no pressure. 

I'm not sure if coaching is right for me?

I have a Master of Business Administration specialising in strategy and organisational change management. I  also am a Certified Life Coach and am working towards my accreditation with the International Coaching Federation of which I am a member.  I have also been named as one of the top 15 Executive Coaches in Adelaide by Influence Digest.

what are your qualifications?

I am happy to meet in person. I live in Adelaide and if you do too then a meeting in person can easily be arranged. I do coach internationally and so am well versed in coaching online via a live video too. If you would like me to travel to you, I am able to do that however, the travel costs for me to come to you would be charged to you. Travel costs are not included in my pricing.  

can we meet in person?

I know that a coaching series is a significant investment. That's because it is a big, potentially life-shifting, transformational experience. I do offer payment plans to make my services as accessible as possible for you. Let's chat about it during our discovery call or you can contact me via email or direct message and we'll figure it out together. 

Do you offer payment plans?

We will meet 1:1 on a fortnightly basis for an hour in person or via live video. During the first session we set your goals that you would like to achieve within the series timeframe. During the remaining sessions we work on the strategies, actions and support you require to achieve those goals. I work with you using a strengths based and positive psychology approach. 

How do the coaching sessions work?

Have Questions? I've got answers.


1 payment of

pay in full & save



3 payments of

low monthly plan


Let's do this!

ready to make a move?


This is not another women in leadership program. In fact it is exactly the opposite.  

You are making an investment in yourself. In your goals and dreams for your life. This is your opportunity to intentionally recreate yourself to live and lead powerfully your way. 

Set yourself up to Live and Lead Powerfully in 2023. It's your time!

don't miss this opportunity